AAA Mark Jenkins Commuting
AAA Mark Jenkins Commuting VIEW VIDEO
AAA Mark Jenkins Commuting VIEW VIDEO
AAA Mark Jenkins 4th Of July VIEW VIDEO
Miami-Dade Regional Traffic Management Center VIEW VIDEO
Orlando Regional Traffic Management Center VIEW VIDEO
Broward County Regional Traffic Management Center VIEW VIDEO
Heading to the polls to vote? Be sure to use the Florida Advanced Traveler Information System (FL511) to help get to your destination with comfort and ease. It’s the best source to minimize delays with real-time traffic information and to ensure a timely arrival. FL511 is from the Florida Department of Transportation, and is the state’s official source for real-time traffic and travel information.
In preparation for Hurricane Michael, be sure to include the Florida 511 Advanced Traveler Information System (FL511) in your planning efforts. Floridians are asked to make a plan now in preparation for this storm. Be sure to download and use the FL511 App. This will help residents evacuate more safely and efficiently, and with less
In this Issue — Truck parking availability system added to FL511. Brickell Avenue Bridge alerts now available. Week in October focuses on safe teen driving. Gas prices headed down? FL511 can save at the pump too. Watch for little spooks on Halloween! Florida events in October. Photo of the Month
This month kicks off an important observation across the nation of the role of Hispanic Americans in the United States. National Hispanic Heritage Month is from September 15th to October 15th. Hispanic Heritage Month recognizes the significant contributions people of Hispanic and Latino origin have made to the United States including in its history, the